Turquie Santé

Hip Liposuction in Turkey, Prices of Clinics in Istanbul

Aging is one of the situations that can undermine the relationship we have with our body, creating sometimes devastating psychological problems. Indeed, we live today in a society where the physical aspect is one of the predominant values. Indeed, it therefore pushes us to demand perfection from ourselves, even knowing that we will never be able to possess it. However, some imperfections, such as love handles, can be eliminated or at least reduced by resorting to cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery.

Hips liposuction in Turkey is becoming simple with an intervention that can be performed with different methodologies. Discover our most renewed clinics in Istanbul.

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Who is this procedure for?
  • Women and men who want to get rid of localized fatty deposits in the hips, thighs and saddlebags

Side effects
  • Edema
  • Temporary numbness
  • Thromboembolic complications (phlebitis, pulmonary embolism)
  • Hematoma, infection
  • Skin necrosis
  • Aqueous flow
Intervention or treatment's duration
  • About 30 mins

Recovery time
  • Rest for 48 hours
  • Reintroduction of daily activities after one week
  • Resuming sports activity after one month

Love handles: what are they?

Love handles, saddlebags and hips are among the areas of the body where fatty deposits are located. The presence of this localized fat is unsightly, as it deforms the silhouette, forming protrusions at waist level. This is a defect not appreciated by most people, who would gladly resort to an intervention to reduce this imperfection.
Love handles are a much more common form of excess fat today than in the past, resulting from a variety of causes including hormonal alterations, poor diet, and genetic predisposition. A diet, before facing cosmetic surgery, can certainly be the first correct approach, but without the direct elimination of localized fat with cannulas or devices.

Prevention can be implemented by maintaining a healthy and balanced diet since adolescence and practicing regular physical activity.

Hip liposuction to remove love handles and saddlebags in Turkey

Dealing with cosmetic surgery requires consulting a specialist in Turkey who, after the first visit, will be able to tell you which is the most appropriate method of intervention.

Hip liposuction is recommended for people of normal weight or slightly overweight. In most cases, the solution to getting rid of love handles and saddlebags is hip liposuction.
Hip liposuction surgery is not only chosen by women, but also by many men. Attention to body care is increasingly widespread also in the male sex, which finds one of the most requested interventions in the liposculpture of love handles. The intervention can be easily repeated, if the result obtained is not definitive.

Hip liposuction: how is the operation performed in Turkey?

The cosmetic surgeon in Turkey, once the blood tests, electrocardiograms, and any other preoperative examinations have been prescribed, will provide the patient with some indications to follow in the days preceding the intervention. Compliance with these indications is of fundamental importance for the success of the intervention, always trust the specialist to whom you entrust your body and your health.

Liposuction of the hips is preceded by the infiltration of a physiological solution with a local anesthetic in the affected area and then, through small holes, a cannula will be inserted with which the fat will be sucked out. The incisions will be completely invisible after only a few weeks. The duration of the intervention depends on certain factors, such as the extension of the area and the methodology chosen for the intervention. This also applies to the type of anesthesia, length of hospital stay, and postoperative recovery times.

Hip liposuction: results, risks, and complications

Cosmetic hip liposuction surgery in Turkey does not have a high-risk factor, but it might cause some complications. For this reason, it is important, as we have already mentioned, to consult a specialist and carefully follow the advice given to him to better prepare for the operation.

Complications are rare, but skin irregularities, fatty residues, or excessively emptied areas may remain. The patient must be aware of what the outcome may be, so as not to create too high expectations. The postoperative course of hip liposuction surgery to remove love handles and panties is characterized by edema and hematoma. The result will already be appreciable after a week, but it will take shape in its final aspect only after a few months.

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