Turquie Santé

Eyebrow lift surgery in Turkey, Cost & best clinics in Istanbul

In addition to producing a more lively and young face expression, eyebrow lift in Turkey is one of the most popular and regularly performed cosmetic treatments in our partner clinics.

A brow lift helps to eliminate the wrinkles that are responsible for the appearance of expressions such as fatigue, anger, and sadness.

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Eyebrow lift Turkey
Who is this procedure for?
  • People with saggy eyebrows

Side effects
  • Hypoesthesia and/or paresthesia (sensitivity defects) of the upper third of the face
  • Slight asymmetries of the brow bone
  • Scar defects
Alternative treatments
Recovery time
  • It all depends on the technique used.

What is an eyebrow lift?

The normal sagging of facial and forehead tissues can cause the eyebrow to droop and the distance between the eyebrow and the eyelid to narrow, contributing to a tired, frowning look. Often combined with blepharoplasty, brow lifting is a very effective procedure for restoring openness and freshness to the eyes. The procedure is indicated for:

  • Reduced distance between the eyebrow and the movable eyelid.
  • Flat or slightly arched eyebrow.
  • Loose or excess skin between the corner of the eyebrow and the outer corner of the eye.

Advantages of the procedure in Turkey

With eyebrow lifts in Turkey, you don't have to wait for aging, wrinkles, or sagging to renew your facial expressions. Who wouldn't be worthy of having high eyebrows and a long, shiny forehead?

  • Eyes appear larger.
  • A vivacious and optimistic facial expression takes the place of the worn-out and aggressive one.
  • The entire face appears lifted when the eyebrows and forehead are raised.
  • More distance between the eyebrows and the eyes.
  • Improved expression with compatible eyebrows and facial features.
  • Vertical lines between forehead lines and eyebrows disappear.

The surgical techniques

Endoscopic surgery or temporal lifting

The endoscopic eyebrow lift operation is performed using micro-cameras through small incisions on the scalp. These are very successful procedures that are usually performed under local anesthesia.

Direct eyebrow lifting

Direct eyebrow lifting is an operation that can be performed on an outpatient basis and that, in a few minutes of surgery, allows for a visible lifting of the eyebrow by removing a small strip of skin above the eyebrow. The scar is placed just above the edge of the eyebrows and can therefore be easily covered with hair or possibly makeup.

Non-surgical techniques

Botox (botulinum toxin)

Botox eyebrow lifting is the most effective and correct procedure for a slight sagging of the eyebrows. It is very easy to capture the image you dreamed of with a little touch. Botox (botulinum toxin) is the most comfortable application among eyebrow-lifting methods.

Botulinum toxin injection is performed at the given point so that the eyebrow is pulled to the point where you want to stop. The final result of the injection manifests itself a few days later. It can sometimes take up to 1 week for the Botox to stabilize. It is permanent for a period of 3 to 6 months.

Suspension threads

It is the process of suspending the eyebrow using threads passed under the skin through special needles. Furthermore, it also creates a lifting effect in the upper middle part of the face. It is a very pleasant application in cases of slight sagging and drooping of the eyebrows.

Brow flux can be used for a longer period of time than botulinum toxin, but it is also possible that it loses its effect faster than expected, depending on many parameters such as skin texture and intensity of mimic use.

It is an alternative to eyebrow lifting surgical methods inIstanbul, Turkey, extremely comfortable, and with high patient satisfaction.

Brow lift surgery: Cost of the best surgeons in Istanbul, Turkey

Eyebrow lifting surgery can be performed with different techniques depending on the objective to be achieved, the severity of the problem, and the condition of the tissues and muscles. As a result, the cost of brow lifting varies within a fairly wide range. The plastic surgeon will be able to estimate the cost of the procedure based on the free consultation.

Turquie Santé guarantees you the realization of your eyebrow lift at competitive prices with highly qualified and renowned cosmetic surgeons in Istanbul, Turkey and around the world.

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